Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Beginning

Here it is, proof positive that I was destined to be saddled with the burden of this obsession of mine.  That's me on the right, (don't ask me why I had a tie) and my brother Ralph on the left, with a replica version of the Spirit of Saint Louis in San Diego, 1972.  That puts me at about 5 years old or so.  I'm sure exist somewhere evidence of even earlier exposure to Airframes and Power plants, and if I stumble across them one day I'll post them.  My earliest memories are of going to Lindbergh Field in San Diego, and sitting on the hood of my Dad's car and watching airplanes land.....Hold up now, wait, wait, wait.

Now instead of going on and on about my aviation pedigree, about how much I LOVE airplanes, and all the models I built as a kid and all the books I could get my hands on, I'll skip that assuming that you'll take my word for it.  The truth is, and I don't have statistics on it exactly, but I'm going to venture a guess and say that my story is not very remarkable or very different from the stories of 100's of 1000's of men and women who share my disease.

The question becomes, what can I do about it?  Is there a cure?  Should I learn just to live with it?

It's hard to say.  I think a lot of what this blog will be about will be about the journey of finding out what can be done.  I'm already 43 years old, and I'm not sure what lies ahead, and what opportunities life will present, but you can bet for sure that this nagging thing, this question of "FLIGHT", will be addressed to varying degrees.  One day I might blog about flying stories past.  Another might be about a recent trip to see those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines, and another might be of the day I finally take my Check Ride, get my FAA certification, and become a Private Pilot. 

Oh the journey won't be over then I'm sure, they'll  be plenty of flying stories to tell, catharsis's to be had, demons put to rest, fears conquered, pretty girls and children to impress.

I'll let you know how it goes....


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